Chrome Extension

Solve complex homework questions on any website with the click of a button

  • 250K+ active
  • 20M+ questions
college tools chrome extension privacy icon

Maintain privacy by blocking site trackers.

college tools chrome extension auto-select icon

Automatically fill in the response to every question.

college tools chrome extension universal icon

Works on any website or learning platform.

Directly Integrates With Your Learning Platform

College Tools’ chrome extension supports 50+ learning platforms and websites to help improve your academic experience without breaking focus

chrome extension d2l integration


chrome extension moodle integration


chrome extension blackboard integration


chrome extension canvas integration



Get Ahead with Instant AI Assistance

The chrome extension helps you get accurate answers and explanations, faster, so you have more free time.

injects into your learning platform illustration 1 injects into your learning platform illustration 2
college tools logo for illustration
Injects Into Your Learning Platform

Our button will appear next to all questions supported by us. Simply, click on it and the correct answer will be selected.

screenshot illustration
Screenshot Any Question

With a simple screenshot, we can capture any type of visual illustration and analyse it to provide a direct answer.

Learn more about screenshot feature
chrome extension selecting area for screenshot feature illustration chrome extension answer with screenshot feature illustration
illustration of correct answer with chrome extension

Answer B

cursor icon
What eactly do you mean when you say “mixed economy”?

A. Traditional and modern industries

B. Both the public and private sectors are involved

C. Involvement of both foreign and domestic investors

D. Subsistence and commercial farming

college tools text selection icon
Select Text and Get Going

Highlight the question for a direct textual response and understanding.

Learn more about text selection feature
college tools detailed explanation icon
Get Step by Step Explanations

Reinforce your learning with detailed, step-by-step guidance for each question.

x = 1 or x = -2.5

Algebra Question: Answer Explanation

1. Identify coefficients a,b,c.

2. Calculate discriminant b²−4ac.

3. Find roots using (-b ± √discriminant)/2a.

4. Simplify to get x₁, x₂.

camouflage mode illustration 2
Seamless extension

with camouflage mode

camouflage mode illlustration of college tools 2 camouflage mode illlustration of college tools 1
camouflage mode illustration 1
Camouflage Mode

Activate camouflage mode to make the extension’s popup seamlessly integrate.

language illustration for chrome extension feature
15+ Language Supported

Automatically detect other languages, translate them and get answers on the fly.

languages supported in chrome extension illustration 1 languages supported in chrome extension illustration 2

3 simple steps to get started

Follow these simple steps and you'll find the
correct answers to your homework in no time.

Ready to fast-track your homework?

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